Tuesday, July 13, 2021

On The Naked Now. A Thought For A Good Friend


Being present to the naked now is as difficult and painful as balancing on the sharp point of a needle.  The concentration necessary to balance on that point is impossible so it is only through grace that we find that balance.  We wander away into thoughts and as we become aware of our wandering we judgelessly return to the present.  And through grace, begin again.

It is also painful.  Placing the full weight of our presence on the sharpness of the naked now pierces the soul.  Nobody ever died from a pin prick, but it can feel as if we might.  Our awareness brings to light pains repressed, regrets unresolved, relationships unhealed.  And, then, again, we return to the breath and the naked now resolved to live into the truth that Fr. Rohr expressed: “God does not love us because we are good. God loves us because God is good.”

Blessings this day, my friend.  God loves you and so do I.