Wednesday, March 11, 2020


My blood thickens through the night
I wake with a heavy heart
Rising from bed requires intention.
Gravity, it seems, has increased.
Every movement takes more energy
Each moment lasts longer
Conversations more measured
Words that once floated now fall to the ground.

Is it that the world has moved closer to the Sun?
Or am I sinking deeper into the ocean?
Is each breath more difficult
because I am breathing underwater?
Or am I being crushed by floating
Untethered in the void of space?

Can the world be this heavy for one
And not for all?
Was Newton's apple an aberration?
Can one man’s grief
Change the laws of physics?

Or will I wake tomorrow
My blood less thick?
Rise without thought?
Speak with less measure
And my words once again float?

I know only today, this moment
That in this time and place
Gravity, it seems, has increased.


  1. Yes.
    May His Spirit give you rise and lift you to sea level. I am so sorry dear friend.

  2. I love you, too, Kjerstine Rose.
